
comment section.

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11/23/22 19:15:40 heav: this feature now exists.
11/23/22 19:18:07 yes: Usually pages would have individual comment sections.
11/23/22 19:19:51 yes: Also, the website should be more mobile-friendly.
11/23/22 19:20:29 citrons: hello.
11/23/22 19:20:38 heav: PRs welcome, where PRs are suggestions for how i should do that.
11/23/22 19:20:45 heav: hello, citrons.
11/23/22 19:49:29 citrons: bees *do* exist.
11/23/22 19:50:03 ubq: this is certainly an interesting system. gromulence will be initiated, or something.
11/23/22 19:50:14 _fragment: silly occurance!
11/23/22 19:50:21 _fragment: oh yay it worked.
11/23/22 19:51:46 citrons: my soul is of high quality.
11/23/22 19:51:55 ubq: can souls be reüsed i wonder
11/23/22 19:55:57 citrons: yes
11/23/22 21:14:30 heav: timestamps are now shown in UTC.
11/23/22 23:18:49 citrons: apioformic bees.
11/23/22 23:24:14 mnvo: soul pog
11/24/22 05:31:52 Mercury39: finally
11/24/22 07:24:49 heav: maybe there should be an API.
11/24/22 07:28:39 razetime: here to comment
11/24/22 07:30:49 citrons: hi razetime. welcome to soul-having. you seem to have a similar soul to mine.
11/24/22 07:56:26 heav: citrons' soul is higher quality still, though. observe the amount of gradients.
11/24/22 11:27:16 caesar: no comment
11/24/22 12:17:40 mnvo: is soul quality incentive to collect more than one soul, or would such collection be a bad thing?
11/24/22 12:41:38 heav: it's not an incentive for anything in particular. hoarding souls may inconvenience others. i will not offer my opinion on this. unrelatedly, it's fairly remarkable how similar caesar's soul ended up being to citrons'.
11/24/22 14:29:42 osmarks dot net: osmarks dot net
11/24/22 14:33:06 heav: wow, someone shared that soul publically on apionet. how inadvisable of them.

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rendered at time 1729582136.

message of the day #109:
oh no, i forgot to set the MOTD for this day, or just wasn't able to. feel free to murder me with rocks.