

are there matters that weigh on your mind? do queries burn at the forefront of your cognition? alleviate this today or whenever i get around to it.


Fri Oct 4 23:13:23 2024

Is there a God? If so how likely do you think they'd be made of spaghetti?

this is unfalsifiable, and to unfalsifiable things i say 'no'. and, you can't apply probabilities to unfalsifiable things. if you do, you get silly things like pascal's wager/mugging.

Fri Sep 27 20:13:28 2024

help me

this is unlikely to happen, given that i don't know who you are.

Fri Aug 30 22:15:41 2024

I don't mean to be insulting, but if you are heav, who are surg and swa?

i'm not sure what this means.

Wed Aug 14 11:49:11 2024

do you own a Wii U


Wed Aug 14 09:57:26 2024

any good music or songs

i think such things exist, somewhere, in some distant land.

Wed Aug 14 09:52:06 2024

Favourite mode of transport

i enjoy the premise of rockets or spaceships. you'd get to do cool things like gravitational slingshots and having inertia.

Wed Aug 14 09:49:04 2024

how are you receiving this question

currently it's all going into this one text file i have to ssh into a server to look at.

do you like milk

sure. i'm lactose intolerant to an extent, though.

what operating system is installed in your computer

arch linux.

what operating system is installed in your brain

that's not a meaningful notion.

Wed Aug 14 09:48:47 2024

do any questions burn in the forefront of YOUR cognition?

plenty. but none that you could answer, i'd imagine.

Wed Aug 14 09:47:57 2024

do you wear glasses

no, i'm NORMAL.

Wed Aug 14 09:47:17 2024

What is your wpm.

around 130 WPM in the best case(source: monkeytype).

Wed Aug 14 09:45:49 2024

what would you do if you were bee

i don't think there would be a meaningful sense in which i'd be me anymore.

Wed Aug 14 09:44:31 2024

is there any interesting object in your vicinity which you might discuss

there's a computer in my vicinity. i think computers are very interesting. they're made of an incredible amount of precision, with components existing on an incredibly small scale.

ed Aug 14 09:42:12 2024

Are you "heav"y?

more so than most subatomic particles.

Wed Aug 14 09:41:01 2024

what are some good non-programming languages ?

none, i hate all of them. every single one.

Wed Aug 14 09:40:50 2024

what are some good programming languages ?

i'm quite partial to lua, which you might expect given how this website is entirely rendered using lua. if you're looking to extend its IO a bit i suggest looking into either the love2d framework, or cqueues and lua-http. computercraft and opencomputers are cool if you're specifically in minecraft and want to program something in lua.

Wed Aug 14 09:39:54 2024

Was this possibly inspired by mondecitronne question page?

i wonder who this 'mondecitronne' character is. i've never seen anything like that around here.

Wed Aug 14 09:39:19 2024

how is your day

i just got up. as with most moments after i get up i felt bleary and lethargic. i walked over to my computer and turned it on. initially the screen was dark with the terminal but i was met with the blinding light of gajim and xterm's light theme upon starting my applications. then i answered some questions like this one.

Wed Aug 14 09:23:40 2024

why is the Collatz Theorem true?

i've never heard of this 'collatz theorem'. do you mean the collatz conjecture?

Wed Aug 14 08:06:07 2024

Why did you create a questions page?

to copy citrons, who was probably copying bill wurtz.

Wed Aug 14 03:57:40 2024

Thoughts on glasses and recent increases in "nearsightedness"? In my day, nobody talked about either of these things.

all these vision-confused kids keep thinking they're "nearsighted" just because everyone tells them they are. we really shouldn't be giving glasses to children, they're too young to make that decision and everyone knows glasses stick to your face permanently with superglue.

Wed Aug 14 03:55:04 2024

do any nonexistent people deserve rights?

literally none of them do.

Wed Aug 14 03:52:51 2024

would you ever have a website?

what a dreadful thing that would be. what a terrible, irredeemable monster i would be to even consider the possibility.

Wed Aug 14 03:52:25 2024

could I stand to be more wordy?

going off of the information i have (i.e that you're aware of the error message), yes.

Wed Aug 14 03:51:39 2024

should I suffer for all eternity?

you shouldn't.

rendered at time 1729575614.

message of the day #109:
oh no, i forgot to set the MOTD for this day, or just wasn't able to. feel free to murder me with rocks.