
comment section.

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06/20/24 08:44:20 Blue-Maned_Hawk: …Oh.

I seem to have somehow caused a page of these comments to be almost entirely my own entries.

What happened to this place?

Where is everybody?

Is this place dormant or dead?

Was it ever anything but those?

I was under the impression that this place was a part of something bigger. Is it not? Is it an isolated place in the internet, with no connections to anywhere?

What is this place anymore?
06/21/24 19:30:13 heav: why hello there, BMH.

> I seem to have somehow caused a page of these comments to be almost entirely my own entries.
yes, you did, to my mild chagrin.

> I was under the impression that this place was a part of something bigger. Is it not? Is it an isolated place in the internet, with no connections to anywhere?
this is my website's comment section.

> What is this place anymore?
my website's comment section.
06/21/24 20:13:38 citrons: "I spammed someone's website's comment section with a bunch of nonsense. why has no one responded to me?"
06/21/24 20:20:04 viba: it seems people have just naturally developed a tendency to treat this page as a chatroom, except with the non-realtime-ness of a forum. I think this is propelled even further by the fact that [REDACTED].
06/21/24 20:21:39 heav: i don't really mind people using it like that. there is a certain kind of activity i do mind; what i mean by this will be left as a fairly easy exercise for the reader.
06/22/24 13:52:15 Blue-Maned_Hawk: > > I seem to have somehow caused a page of these comments to be almost entirely my own entries.
> yes, you did, to my mild chagrin.

It's not like you or i can force other people to contribute.

> > I was under the impression that this place was a part of something bigger. Is it not? Is it an isolated place in the internet, with no connections to anywhere?
> this is my website's comment section.

I can't tell if you were trying to answer my question or not, but if you were, i think you didn't.

> "I spammed someone's website's comment section with a bunch of nonsense. why has no one responded to me?"

I say that it is not spam because it was spread out over time and was not repetitive; i say that it is not nonsense because it is signal instead of noise.

> it seems people have just naturally developed a tendency to treat this page as a chatroom, except with the non-realtime-ness of a forum.

There's a term for that: it's called a forum.

> i don't really mind people using it like that. there is a certain kind of activity i do mind; what i mean by this will be left as a fairly easy exercise for the reader.

I'm rather confused as to why you, a denizen of greater apiospace of all people, would decide to use euphemisms (for lack of a better term—perhaps “indirection” is closer? nah, that doesn't sound right). Can i ask you to please explain?
06/27/24 23:06:59 heav: what i think is most baffling is how you went to my personal website, clicked "comments" and then had all these expectations of it.
06/27/24 23:44:36 citrons: most of us don't want to talk to you. you are unpleasant to talk to.

it really doesn't make sense to expect people to talk to you who don't want to. it sucks, but it's often fine because you can usually go talk to other people. it is much more fun and healthy to talk to people who like talking to you, rather than people who don't.

sometimes you can change your behaviors to make people find interacting with you more pleasant. I think you could be served to do this, but you obviously disagree. what you do is up to you, but you should stop subjecting *us* to it. if you think we're wrong about you, then you should find people who are right about you.

I will not respond to any arguments.
06/28/24 04:00:23 Blue-Maned_Hawk: > what i think is most baffling is how you went to my personal website, clicked "comments" and then had all these expectations of it.

What expectations?

> most of us don't want to talk to you.

Don't put words in other people's mouths.

> it really doesn't make sense to expect people to talk to you who don't want to.

Why do you think i expected that? If this helps matters, i would like to clarify that my confusion was not over the fact that nobody was responding to me, but the fact that there was no activity in this space _at all_.

> it is much more fun and healthy to talk to people who like talking to you, rather than people who don't.

I don't think it makes much sense to make one's responses be to the person behind a message instead of the content of the message itself.

> sometimes you can change your behaviors to make people find interacting with you more pleasant. I think you could be served to do this, but you obviously disagree.

I have no memory of being told what behaviors i should change. I can remember being told in the past to “not be argumentative” with regards to situations in which i didn't percieve any arguments happening.

(I would rather not be served—i don't taste that good.)

> if you think we're wrong about you, then you should find people who are right about you.

What is it that you think i'd think y'all'd be wrong about me about? Of all the sentences in your message, this is the one where i least understand what it's getting at.

> I will not respond to any arguments.

If you mean ‘arguments’ in the sense of ‘debates’: I am completely okay with having a discussion instead of an argument; i don't like arguments very much.

If you mean ‘arguments’ in the sense of ‘claims’: Ignorance leads only to suffering; those who stick to their guns in the face of reasons not to are sure to die by them.

(I suppose we'll need to communicate via global variables instead of passing arguments.)
06/28/24 05:57:04 citrons: I have tried to explain things to you the best I possibly can, and never have you ever seemed to actually understand what I'm saying in a meaningful way. the things you say are the very embodiment of "talking past someone".

why have I ever tried to explain anything to you? well, it's possibly because I feel bad for you. it's not enviable to piss people off for reasons you can't really understand.

but, it's basically a trap to try and do that. you are functionally a troll, which is why we had to ban you. all discussions with you are an endless time sink that goes nowhere because you just never seem to understand. one thinks, "maybe, just maybe, if I explain it in *this* way, BMH will finally understand." but you invariably pick apart whatever is said in a very silly way.

which is to say, I'm falling into the trap right now. why am I even talking to you? there's no indication that you actually care to get along with people at all. you're just as confidently smarmy as ever. you called me a cunt at one point! if you can't understand paragraphs of carefully worded text, can you please understand "shut up and fuck off"?

shut up and fuck off!
06/28/24 15:13:05 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Then i guess i'll just wait for your patience to recover and try again later.
06/28/24 20:33:48 jeremy bearimy: yo um just found this
06/28/24 21:27:10 viba: anyone who gives BMH any amount of attention from this point on is going to be vaporized. you wouldn't want that, right?
06/28/24 21:44:40 Blue-Maned_Hawk: viba: Has that been formally established as a formally established policy in Apionet, where i can't see that such has been done? It would disappoint me, but not necessarily surprise me.
07/07/24 02:32:20 Blue-Maned_Hawk: heav, i've noticed the new “message of the day” thing that you've put on your website. Are you maintaining an archive of previous MsOTDs anywhere?
07/07/24 23:44:22 heav: i could answer this but i've decided it's much funnier not to.
07/08/24 05:21:25 Blue-Maned_Hawk: I don't understand. Could you please explain why that's funny?
07/09/24 06:08:57 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Does anyone else feel like they'd be able to understand the rules of social interactions better if they were written down somewhere in, say, a reference manual or technical specification?
07/10/24 08:03:11 Blue-Maned_Hawk: heav, we all noticed the MOTD outages. You can't hide that.

(The first time i tried to send this message, i seemed to have grabbed the wrong thing from my clipboard history and tried to use an enumerant from the Vulkan API as my soul.)
07/12/24 08:14:18 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Seeing as this place acts as my “last” conduit to greater apiospace, i'd like to ask a question: A while ago, i shared some code there, and in the ensuing wildfire, someone ended up quoting a part of one of the comments in the code that simply said
The following code is a little confusing.
and then they didn't say anything else about the quotation. I can only guess that they thought that the quotation spoke for itself, but if it did, i couldn't hear what it was saying. Could i ask for clarification on what that was all about?
07/12/24 08:14:55 Blue-Maned_Hawk: heav, your site is broken: the comments box doesn't properly interpret the tab character.
07/25/24 17:59:07 Blue-Maned_Hawk: ?
07/25/24 18:09:37 Blue-Maned_Hawk: ?
07/25/24 18:12:41 Blue-Maned_Hawk: ?
07/25/24 18:18:51 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Something has gone wrong.
07/25/24 18:19:41 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Oh, hey, i happened to reload this page in such a way that i saw as the MOTD was set. Cool.

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submit a comment.

rendered at time 1729589649.

message of the day #109:
oh no, i forgot to set the MOTD for this day, or just wasn't able to. feel free to murder me with rocks.