
comment section.

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07/25/24 18:19:41 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Oh, hey, i happened to reload this page in such a way that i saw as the MOTD was set. Cool.
07/27/24 23:26:06 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Since this is the place where i was complaining about Minecraft modpacks, i feel as though an update is due:

I have gotten to the point of being _completely_ sick of modded Minecraft.

I am well and truly done with it, at least for a good long while. I would feel perfectly find offloading all of my Minecraft stuff on to a separate drive if i ever need to free up some space in my home partition. I don't, so i'm not going to bother with that for now, since i'm lucky enough to have a machine with an absolutely MASSIVE ›3mTWO-HUNDRED FIFTY-SIX›23m gigabyte drive, though i ›3mhave›23m had to free up space on my other partitions (i'd wager mostly the ›26m/var›50m one) through e.g. clearing caches.

Presumably, this is an indication that i've “seen it all” when it comes to Minecraft modpacks, which should in theory mean that i've also seen all of the problems that have resulted from people modding Minecraft.

This should be a fact that will come in very useful when i'm working on creating a replacement for Minecraft to permanently kill it off, as i'll have seen the history of the past and know not to repeat it.

That said, my plan for creating a replacement for Minecraft is to create a completely comprehensive reference manual _before_ i do any programming. Part of that is so that i can have a proper formal plan for actually making the damn thing, but i ›3malso›23m want to do it so that i can publish a form of eisyforem for people to find problems in that i need to fix ›3mbefore›23m i arse myself about with actually ›3mimplementing›23m it, as the programming is what's really going to be the hard part of it.
07/29/24 04:42:33 Blue-Maned_Hawk: It seems as though y'all are now killing any IRC-side users of Apionet who join any channels at all. At that point, why bother? Just shut down the entire enterprise and get the same end result more easily.
07/30/24 13:36:03 Blue-Maned_Hawk: TN ŒTN‹ would be what happened if the abbreviation for trillion was tradenarked.
07/30/24 13:38:27 Blue-Maned_Hawk: “Trillion Nuclear Weapons” is a phrase that just popped into my head. Unlike a lot of three word phrases, it wouldn't be a good name for a band.
08/01/24 13:22:39 Blue-Maned_Hawk: test
08/04/24 16:07:07 citrons: everyone is going to die a fiery death.

just kidding. it's just a "fiery death" drill. but you should treat it as if it were real.
08/04/24 16:15:48 citrons: see above.
08/04/24 16:20:57 citrons: see abover.
08/04/24 16:22:32 citrons: hmm, well, ircoid is running, but this still doesn't seem to be working.
08/04/24 16:24:55 citrons: test.
08/04/24 21:09:28 Blue-Maned_Hawk: What is “ircoid”? What are you testing? What is happening?
08/04/24 21:43:56 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Is it just me, or does something feel off about johnvertisements lately?
08/10/24 15:22:27 Blue-Maned_Hawk: It's occured to me recently that (in the C programming language) attributes ›3mdo›23m serve a separate niche from pragmas because they operate as part of the grammer of the language instead of as a part of the grammer of the preprocessor, thereby increasing their seperability, which would be nice if they were meaningfully separable.
08/11/24 22:41:15 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Fuck.
08/12/24 21:17:53 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Does the etymology of “groove” in reference to music come from the fact that records stored their sound in a cut-in groove?
08/12/24 23:05:39 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Hey, the website for Apionet has been updated.
08/12/24 23:06:31 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Though that site's discord link is broken.
08/12/24 23:33:31 Blue-Maned_Hawk: I was having issues with writing the first draft of the reference manual i talked about in a previous message, and i think that part of the problem i was running into is that i was holding my writing of the documentation to a much higher standard than i was for the code i was writing (as anyone who's looked at the code can clearly see [insert winking emoticon form that doesn't look weird when put at the end of a parenthesized clause here]), to the point of unreasonability, particularly for what was ostensibly intended to be a first draft. I'm going to try to stop that.
08/13/24 01:37:43 Blue-Maned_Hawk: citrons, your website is broken—the question form unilaterally gives a 403 error.
08/13/24 17:44:49 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Could i please request an explanation of how the ban system on Apionet, like. works? I just tried to join again, and the MOTD _directly stated_ that i should join a specific channel, yet joining that channel led to me getting instantly killed. I'm so confused about how this all works and what y'all's rationale for this shit is.
08/14/24 21:31:32 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Email.
08/15/24 23:24:28 Blue-Maned_Hawk: What happened to this site's domain name?
08/21/24 16:38:29 Blue-Maned_Hawk: By my count, there seems to exist approximately four operating systems that are potentially worth giving a shit about, and they're only worth potentially giving a shit about at all because the modern computing ecosystem demands the existence of such thing as an operating system on computers.
08/22/24 19:00:26 Blue-Maned_Hawk: An erratum to my previous message: TempleOS uses coöperative multitasking.
08/22/24 19:00:52 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Oh, bollocks, i've filled a whole page again.

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rendered at time 1729582702.

message of the day #109:
oh no, i forgot to set the MOTD for this day, or just wasn't able to. feel free to murder me with rocks.