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05/08/24 13:53:26 taswelll: you can find school mathematics textbooks being sold by moms in your area. Buy one of those and read it
05/08/24 13:54:39 Blue-Maned_Hawk: I am looking for a reference manual. Those would not be a reference manual.
05/08/24 13:56:12 taswelll: go to the page of your favorite subject or mathematical object and read it
05/08/24 13:56:54 Blue-Maned_Hawk: That is not a reference manual; it is a summary.
05/08/24 13:57:42 taswelll: go find a mathematical paper discussing your favorite subject and read it
05/08/24 13:59:59 Blue-Maned_Hawk: I am looking for a reference manual. That would not be a reference manual.
05/08/24 14:01:36 taswelll: after this process, the reference manual will be generated in your head. you now have a reference manual
05/08/24 14:01:54 Blue-Maned_Hawk: What process?
05/08/24 14:03:14 taswelll: any of the above
05/08/24 14:05:22 Blue-Maned_Hawk: That claim is incorrect for all of them.
05/08/24 14:11:40 taswelll: nope. i have followed this process, using various forms of information gathering. it has worked wonders for me! i have an ever-expanding reference manual constructed in my head, with low-latency keyword search, filled with all the knowledge i need and some knowledge i don't need in multiple areas related to the arts and sciences. you should try it
05/08/24 14:15:21 Blue-Maned_Hawk: What you state is impossible. Textbooks are intended for teaching, making them tutorials, making them next to useless for learning. Wikipedia does not operate as a repository of knowledge; it operates as a repository of summaries of formally published information, which is not the same thing. Papers do not operate as reference manuals; they only make a single claim each (perhaps with subclaims), and assume existing knowledge.
05/08/24 16:06:01 darxoon2: taswell: you can find school mathematics textbooks being sold by hot moms in your area
05/08/24 16:27:37 Blue-Maned_Hawk: I have a question for each of the both of you: What?
05/08/24 17:17:42 caesar: fields of knowledge do not have reference manuäls, because the concept doesn't make sense. the best you can do is find someone who's written down everything known to that point in time, like The Art of Computer Programming.
05/08/24 17:22:10 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Does such a thing exist for mathematics? Isn't _The Art of Computer Programming_ more akin to a tutorial than a reference manual?
05/08/24 17:24:58 citrons: I think it's about time to fill my awful machine with more horrible goo.
05/08/24 17:27:50 caesar: idk, Principia Mathematica? Euclid's Elements?
05/09/24 13:38:06 itzzme: test
05/09/24 14:04:13 Blue-Maned_Hawk: The test succeeded.
05/09/24 16:40:25 qOhaMUxYPOklz-LV: why
05/09/24 17:16:58 Blue-Maned_Hawk: To some degree. Further experimentation is needed.
05/10/24 10:03:53 Blue-Maned_Hawk: Although, on the topic of further experimentation being needed: heav, does the soul forge behave deterministically?
05/10/24 13:19:50 Blue-Maned_Hawk: And on a wholly unrelated note that's only just come to my mind, is there any connection between the soul well and lime currency? or are they wholly disjoint?

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oh no, i forgot to set the MOTD for this day, or just wasn't able to. feel free to murder me with rocks.